Email id:-
Phone (Office) : 05644-236355, 236241, Phone (Works) : 05644-236235, Phone (Factory) : 05644-236229, Shri Mohan Lal Agarwal : +91- 9414023783, 9414024059, Shri Ramesh Chandra Agarwal : +91- 9414026435
Maruti Engineering works
Specialization in – Oil Mill Plants
Turnkey Plant Manufacturers and Suppliers in Kachhi Ghani Kolhu and Agro Oil Industries Manufacturers and Suppliers of Oil Mill Machinery and all kinds of Steel Fabrications
Adani Willmar, Bundi Rajasthan
Ruchi Soya, Madhya Pradesh
Gokul Refoils, Gujarat
Hafed, Kerabad, Kerala
Agro Solvent, Detia, Madhya Pradesh